好難得有個event有2個唔同field既人做speaker, 正! speaker有設計師Angus Wong 同埋print大型廣告expert Wilson...點整大型廣告噴畫,我想知好耐啦!!同大家分享一下︰ 5月30日,下午4-6,地點太古坊 (免費架,要預先網上登記) screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.w

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Sensation Galleria is the most sensational, inspirational and stylish French style flower shop in Hong Kong. The French style flower setting is originated from Master Christian Tortu in France. Sensa
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We provide professional floral service for all types of events including weddings, banquets, parties, church decoration, window display, exhibitions, fashion show, interior floral design for commerci
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We provide professional floral service for all types of events including weddings, banquets, parties, church decoration, window display, exhibitions, fashion show, interior floral design for commerci
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